Operation Groundswell

  Verifierad av Volunteer World






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We go backpacking with a purpose! Our programs combine cross-cultural dialogue, critical learning, community service, and of course, travel and adventure!

Is voluntourism helping or hurting what people called ‘the developing world’? Is there a way for visitors to positively contribute to local initiatives while also thinking critically about international development? What’s the best ice cream flavour, really?

In 2006, we boarded a flight to ...

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Is voluntourism helping or hurting what people called ‘the developing world’? Is there a way for visitors to positively contribute to local initiatives while also thinking critically about international development? What’s the best ice cream flavour, really?

In 2006, we boarded a flight to Accra, Ghana seeking answers to these questions and so many more. When we touched down, we were hit with a barrage of sights, sounds, and smells that shattered our preconceived notions of the ‘global south’. Rather than stumbling into a crumbling landscape, we were greeted by a beautiful, bustling city, rich with culture and brimming with innovation.

At the same time, we could see some of the challenges local communities were grappling with. Why does poverty continue to plague so much of the world while billionaires multiply and millions pour into international development projects that don’t seem to make a difference? We heard that governments, charities, and international organizations often pushed their own agendas without consulting the communities they said they were ‘helping.’

We learned that projects were much more likely to succeed if they were carried out in collaboration with the community. Not as a handout, not as charity – but in solidarity.

We started talking to local NGOs and community leaders about what their real needs were. We cultivated relationships with grassroots organizations, community leaders, and local governments. We began to build a program that wouldn’t just plop a volunteer into a project they knew little about. Instead, we would take a learning-first approach. We would combine an educational program with collaborative community service so that travellers could explore the local history, context, and challenges while contributing to local solutions.

Since that first pilot program in West Africa, OG has run hundreds of programs in more than 20 countries around the world. With all of this experience, we have expertly designed programs that navigate the inherent risks that come with embarking on such an awesome adventure. We bring cool, caring people together who want to explore the world while actively learning to change it for the better. We’re sparking a movement of globally active and socially conscious travellers.

Accessible, responsible and immersive travel is our mission. Go to our website to learn about our financial support options including our Financial Needs Grants that can cover up to 25% of your program fee.

Email us to join our mail list or for the application for our Financial Needs Grant: mail@operationgroundswell.com.

Contact Person

Evelyn Murray

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Operation Groundswell fältrapporter

I will remember this trip for the rest of my life. My partner and I planned to go 2 years ago, we actually won an Instagram contest haha but it was cancelled due to COVID. We finally made it happen April 23 - May 1! I remember sitting in a coffee shop, submitting our applications and being both ...
Susie Jones rating5,0

2021 at Sustainable Agriculture in the Andes

Over the course of 9 days I had an experience of a lifetime. OG provides experiential learning opportunities with off the beaten path adventures. I was able to be part of a dynamic group of individuals and explore a whole a new region abroad. I was able to live on a farm and live the slow life while ...
Vicki rating5,0

2019 at Join the Food Revolution

Visiting Ecuador and focusing our trip on food revolutions was educational, spiritual, and amazing! You are participating in community service that is requested by the partners you are working with so when you leave it is not as if you are leaving halfway completed projects that will never be ...
Lauren rating5,0

2019 at Seed to Shelf

As a fairly experienced traveller before my program with OG, I was worried that I wouldn't get a lot out of the program. I was worried I'd resent the group dynamic, that I wouldn't learn much, and that the promises of real and intimate connections with locals simply couldn't be achieved in this ...
Laura rating5,0

2019 at Explore Mayan Culture

Traveling with Operation Groundswell to Guatemala was truly one of the most valuable experiences I have had. I learned more in those 15 days than could ever be possible in my 4 years of University in a classroom setting. I have long been searching for a volunteer program that doesn't feel like the ...
Holly rating5,0

2018 at Join the Food Revolution

This was my second program with Operation Groundswell and it was just as amazing as my first experience. This trip was speical to me because my friend and I had met on our previous OG trip and actually planned to apply for this program together. There is something about these programs that opens up ...

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