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SHRESTHA strives to improve the lives and life-chances of orphans, slum and street children in Jaipur, north-west India.

Who We Are

In Jaipur alone there are about 50 thousand children on the streets. Studies and observations about street & slum children in several cities including Jaipur in India highlight the magnitude of this problem.They are mainly in the formative group of 6 to 15 years and most of them are ...


Who We Are

In Jaipur alone there are about 50 thousand children on the streets. Studies and observations about street & slum children in several cities including Jaipur in India highlight the magnitude of this problem.They are mainly in the formative group of 6 to 15 years and most of them are illiterates and school dropouts.

Society for health, Education and Vocational Training for Slum,Street,and Poor Orphan Children (SHRESTHA) was established under Rajasthan Society Registration Act.1958 with the overall aim and objectives of helping and supporting children especially Slum, runaway, orphans and street children in Jaipur.

SHRESTHA is successfully implementing its various activities and programs through which children are being provided with and supported for fulfilling their Educational, Socio-Psychological Counseling, STIs, HIV/AIDS Counseling, Skill Building, Vocational Training, Rehabilitation and Referral requirements.

We work with children and their families living in an established slum area on the outskirts of Jaipur, in the desert state of Rajasthan.In this slum area, the families are from different states, including Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. They live in houses made with mud or in less substantial tent-style homes. Families tend to be fairly large, with typically five or six children, so there’ll be an average of about eight people in each household, sharing one single room. 

People in the slum area do not have a fixed job. Instead, they’ll do garbage collection, shoe polishing, begging and lots of similar work to try to generate an income. They generally do not earn enough money to fulfil their daily needs. Often, parents are not able to provide food and clothing for their children or even medicine when children fall ill.

The children want to go to school and study like ‘normal’ kids, but their parents don’t earn enough to send them to a good school. These children have lots of talent and are eager to learn but their family situation means they’ve often no choice but to work along with their parents.

Breaking the cycle

Shrestha works to break the cycle of poverty that diminishes these children’s life chances. Without a good education, their economic prospects will be as limited as those of their parents, sentencing them and their future children to a similar life of hardship.

SHRESTHA is getting support and motivation from various concerning government departments and other agencies Our project aims at identifying underprivileged children especially from slum areas, streets & orphans and then providing them with formal as well as informal education, Health & Hygiene education, Vocational training & working for their Personality development so as to create opportunity for these children to develop themselves as responsible citizens of the country & further helping them to live into main stream society.

SHRESTHA is dedicated to helping impoverished children lead healthy, fulfilling lives and reach their full potential into adulthood – and you can help.


Nitesh Paliwal

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SHRESTHA gjennomganger

Ines Arroba rating5.0

2024 at Educate Slum and Street Children

teach children and play games. I really love teaching children and learning things about here culture, style live . I look forward to stay here because they want to learn a lot new ...
Gabriela rating4.8

2024 at Educate Slum and Street Children

I spent an entire month living in Nitesh's house and was very well received by his family. His wife cooks the best food! The shrestha project does a very important work with the kids in the community, it was really great to be with them and exchange some knowledge, play and dance and learn ...
Ariel Lewis rating5.0

2023 at Educate Slum and Street Children

Thank you to Nitesh,Chitra and everyone else at Shrestha for welcoming us into the Shrestha family with open arms and loving heart. We have loved every minute that we have spent with each and everyone of you and look forward to continue our incredible friendship for many more years to come. you all ...
Francisco Salgado rating5.0

2023 at Educate Slum and Street Children

During my volunteer period at Shrestha I enjoyed the hospitality of its founders. We were able to work together with the children and see the great work of Nitesh and his ...
Pierre Le Saout rating5.0

2023 at Educate Slum and Street Children

We were welcomed in the organization by Nitesh, who provide us all the information needed about the location, the tasks and the objectives of the NGO. We spent time teaching to the children, there were extremly demanding about knowledge, their behaviour was excellent and we feel really useful for ...
Julie Lowenstein rating5.0

2023 at Educate Slum and Street Children

Thank you every one So much for the most memorable and rewarding experience of my life. Nitesh and Chitra the work you do is amazing and you both so much dedicating your lives to such an important project. Thank you for letting us to be part of it. We so excited to continue helping in any way we ...

SHRESTHA oppføringer


SHRESTHA prosjektfokus

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health And Well-Being
  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Reduced Inequalities