à partir de 370€

Excellent 4.8rating (240)

Ghana Volunteer Coordinator

30 - 50 semaines  ·  Âge 18 - 50+

rating  Excellent 4.8  · 
  Vérifié par Volunteer World
  Taux de réponse excellent

Projet de volontariat de la plus haute qualité. Ce projet offre la plus haute qualité aux normes supérieures la moyenne.


  • Experience the stunning views of rural Ghana and surrounding forests.
  • Work with volunteers from all over the world. Creating lasting friendships for life.
  • Have a direct impact on education, community development, sports and conservation efforts.
  • Visit local attractions such as Lake Volta or Tafo Waterfalls in your free time.
  • Take part contributing in a variety of project types and locations.

Particulièrement approprié pour

Âge 18+
Seul voyageur

À propos du programme

Coordinating our team of international volunteers with local counterparts in the community. Dealing with local schools, communities and stakeholders.

About The Placement
We run a grassroots NGO operating at two bases within Ghana. Our flagship site based in the Abetifi district, on the Kwahu mountains in the Eastern Region. Our newest site is at Cape Three Points overlooking the beach within the Western Region. Our programs include Education, ...

À propos du programme

About The Placement
We run a grassroots NGO operating at two bases within Ghana. Our flagship site based in the Abetifi district, on the Kwahu mountains in the Eastern Region. Our newest site is at Cape Three Points overlooking the beach within the Western Region. Our programs include Education, Sports, Community Development, Environmental Protection and Conservation.
You will work hand in hand overseeing our international volunteer team and our working alongside our local coordinators to ensure the weeks scheduling is efficiently planned, the relevant logistics setup in place and logging of impact goals and targets to achieve a smooth and meaningful week for all.

Why This Placement?
In addition to our local support team, we like to have an international volunteer as part of the support team to help bridge two cultures together and ensure both local counterparts and volunteer team feel represented and understood. We pride ourselves on working directly with members of the local community so liaising with these counterparts is a critical part of the role. Ensuring that workloads are setup in advance in an impactful manner.

What Is Included In This Placement?
This program includes;
- First 1 month volunteering at our core programs (Education, Sports, Conservation, Environmental etc)
- Accommodation in shared volunteer house.
- Welcome orientation and breakfast.
- Local support team

How Do I Get To The Placement?
Our volunteering project sits are spread across the Abetifi district. You will join the volunteers in getting local taxis to the project sites - this can cost 20 to 60 cedi per day depending on location of site. For example on planting days with reforestation, this is a further distance to Kotoso whereas a normal Education/Sports day would be a shorter trip from Aduamoah to Abetifi. Time spent at the Cape 3 Points site there will be no transport cost as it's within walking distance.

What Will I Be Doing?
For your first 1 month, you will join the rest of the volunteer team on our tasks so that you get trained up in the relevant fields and have a strong understanding of the various projects that we run. To ensure a fair spread, it can vary depending on the tasks needed at the specific time of year however you would spend the week split across Education (Tutoring sessions or class support, Sports (PE lessons or overseeing the football academy), Reforestation (Upkeep of the nursery/Planting dependant on time of year), Community Development (Renovation, Community Farmer Support), Environmental (Plastics Recycling) & Conseration (sea turtle beach patrols).

After your initial training/experience month, you will then help the coordinator team as a supporting role.
On a morning, you will ensure the volunteer team set off to their project sites smoothly and spend the days on site with them at project. Ensuring that the days run smoothly and we're achieving as impactful time as possible.
After project you will then help arrange the weekly activities for example; team meetings, weekly planners, 1 to 1 check ins, team building nights and reporting. When time allows, you will also help with introduction chats before a volunteer arrives to Ghana.

Who Will I Be Working With?
You will work hand in hand with our local coordinators and support team. A member of our support team lives in the volunteer accommodation too so there is always someone closeby should you need support or guidance.

What Do We Expect From The Volunteers?

For this role we require;
- Outgoing and positive attitude
- Ability to work with a variety of different nationalities and cultures
- Empathy and strong communication skills
- Ability to embrace a different culture and understand differences in timekeeping, social values etc.
- Ability to produce basic documents and reporting
- Regular access to a smart phone, tablet or laptop

What Can You Expect From Us?
We will be on hand any time of any day to support you in your placement and trip as a whole. There will always be someone you can speak to or get a hold of should you want to discuss anything or require any guidance, from organising extra activities in your free time to guidance on your work duties. Our team living in the volunteer house will also be able to offer advice regarding travel plans and the local area so you will soon feel at home.

What Should I Bring?
You will receive a more detailed packing list when booked onto the program however a basic packing list can be found below:
- Selection of lightweight clothes. Both long and short sleeves. As a member of  the support team you will be required to dress appropriately when at project especially when visiting the school sites or local communities offices. Think summer smart casual rather than vest tops or short shorts. You will also appreciate having some clothes you don't mind getting messed up when painting or on reforestation projects in the forest. Most people also appreciate bringing some nicer clothing options to wear on evenings or when travelling at weekends.
- Sandals and a sturdy pair of trainers or boots for when in the fields for farming, reforestation or hikes in your free time.
- Ghana guidebook is useful for travel inspiration and weekend trips.
- You may wish to bring social games or activities, boardgames, movies etc for when spending the free time with your fellow volunteers.

What Happens During School Holidays?
As the school holidays will not directly affect this placement you will be entitled to normal annual leave with the other foundation staff however exceptions can be made if you wish to travel with the other volunteers for long weekends etc. 

Journée typique

  • 08:00am - Volunteer transport leaves the volunteer house to project sites
  • 08:30am - Arrive at the project site
  • 12:00pm - 12:30pm - Lunch Break
  • 2:00pm - Leave project site and head home
  • 4:00pm - 6:00pm - Overseeing of children's football academy / Impact Reporting / Welcome Calls / Scheduling weekly ...

Journée typique

  • 08:00am - Volunteer transport leaves the volunteer house to project sites
  • 08:30am - Arrive at the project site
  • 12:00pm - 12:30pm - Lunch Break
  • 2:00pm - Leave project site and head home
  • 4:00pm - 6:00pm - Overseeing of children's football academy / Impact Reporting / Welcome Calls / Scheduling weekly plans
  • This is an example day and will vary depending on current tasks, day of the week and needs of the organisation.

Activités de loisirs

Mid Week Free Time
After school and evenings offer these local opportunities around the local area:

  • Hiking / Trekking
  • Swimming
  • Sightseeing (Waterfalls and breathtaking scenery)
  • After school & Homework Clubs
  • Sports facilities
  • Live Music
  • Plenty of Nightlife
  • Restaurants & Hotels providing western cuisine


Activités de loisirs

Mid Week Free Time
After school and evenings offer these local opportunities around the local area:

  • Hiking / Trekking
  • Swimming
  • Sightseeing (Waterfalls and breathtaking scenery)
  • After school & Homework Clubs
  • Sports facilities
  • Live Music
  • Plenty of Nightlife
  • Restaurants & Hotels providing western cuisine

Weekend Free Time
Most volunteers will travel at weekends, across Ghana we have many amazing experiences which you can discover. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Safari
  • Museums
  • Slave Castles
  • Canopy Walk
  • Waterfalls
  • Malls and Cinemas (Showing latest films)
  • Beautiful Beaches
  • Surfing

We are on hand to offer any advice that you might need.



Âge minimum: 18 ans

Pour participer à ce programme tu dois avoir au moins 18 ans quand le programme commence. Il peut y avoir des exceptions si tu peux montrer la permission de ton tuteur légal ou si tu es accompagné(e) par l'un de tes parents.

Compétences linguistiques

Tu dois parler Anglais (couramment)

Exigences en matière de formation

à niveau High School / Secondary School

Vérification des Antécédents Criminels


Documents Requis


Restrictions de Nationalité

Aucune restriction. De l'aide venant de tous les coins du monde est bienvenu.

Autres Compétences

- Ability to work in a hot and humid environment - Ability to work in rural communities

Engagement horaire

Nous avons besoin de ton aide pour lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi et samedi de 08:00 - 15:00

Services inclus

Services inclus

Services de Atlas Volunteers

- 1 month working as a volunteer on one of our volunteering programs, learning the various fields and responsibilities.
- Remaining time of your stay, your fees are subsidised as you will work as part of our support team.
- Shared volunteer house
- Utility bills; Tap Water, Electricity & Cooking Gas
- Local support team


Volunteers at our Abetifi site live in a large shared volunteer house in typical compound style with a large central outdoor communal area. There is around 10+ bedrooms shared 2-3 people per room. Where possible we try to host longer term volunteers in a private room.

Volunteers at our Cape 3 Points site live on a beach camp with tiki style huts as bedrooms and a large outdoor garden area. There is around 5 bedrooms here and volunteers share 2-3 people per room at busier times.

Both sites offer;
- Shared bathroom block with running water (most of the time if lucky!)
- Shared kitchen with basic equipment such as fridge, freezer and gas stove.
- Living area for group meals / movie nights
- Store room area for project supplies.

Accès à Internet

Accès limité sur le site du projet

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

Transfert de l'aéroport Kotoka International Airport

Le transfert de l'aéroport n'est pas inclus dans les frais non plus.

Aliments & Boissons

Aliments, collations et boissons sont disponibles contre supplément.

Billets d'avion

L'aéroport le plus proche est Kotoka International Airport (ACC) à Accra. Nous t'aidons à trouver des vols pas chers pour aller en Ghana. TROUVER DES VOLS PAS CHERS

Assurance Voyage

Partir à l'étranger est une aventure et c'est toujours mieux d'être bien préparé. Que ce soit une maladie soudaine, une blessure ou du vol - une assurance voyage pour Ghana te protège en cas de situation imprévue. OBTENIR UN DEVIS


Si tu envisages de faire du bénévolat en Ghana, nous te conseillons de consulter un médecin avant le début de ton voyage. Renseigne-toi sur les vaccins nécessaires pour Ghana. INFOS VACCINS

Informations sur l'arrivée

This position is open throughout the year and available to arrive on any day with us. 

janv. févr. mars avril mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc.

Frais de Programme

30 semaines (durée min.) 370€
50 semaines (durée max.) 750€
Prix moyen 13€/semaine

Frais de Programme

13€ par semaine 30 - 50 semaines Âge 18 - 50+

Méthodes de payement

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



30 - 50 semaines


L'acompte sert à réserver ta place avec l'organisation. Les paiements sont effectués par Paypal, notre partenaire de confiance pour les solutions de paiements internationales. Si tu n'as pas Paypal, tu peux également utiliser ta carte de crédit.

Paiement final

Le paiement du montant restant doit être organisé avec Atlas Volunteers durant le processus de candidature. Très souvent ce paiement est effectué par virement bancaire ou en espèces.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Atlas Volunteers

Excellent 4.8 rating (240 avis)

Non lucratif - fondée en 2017

Vérifié par Volunteer World

  Taux de réponse excellent

Hébergé par


Langues parlées: Anglais

Sur le projet

Atlas Volunteers is an NGO providing affordable & meaningful volunteer placements in rural Ghana, Thailand & Cambodia. Created by volunteers, for volunteers.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Who We Are?

We're a team of volunteers that wanted to startup a volunteer organisation truly by volunteers for volunteers. The initial founders of the team met whilst volunteering in Ghana from 2010 onwards. After becoming the largest volunteer organisation in Ghana in 2023 where we focus on development within our rural areas, we answered the call in 2024 to help our partners on the ground elsewhere in the world whilst still maintaining the same Atlas standards of creating meaningful & affordable volunteering programs for people from all over the world to come lend a hand so that we can leave the world in a better place whilst getting to experience new people, countries and cultures from a meaningful travel experience.

What We Do?

Our volunteer team and support coordinators work directly with our local community partners to help make an impact and leave the world a better place than we found it. Our team work across

  • Education - including school support, tutoring sessions, reading clubs and vacation classes.
  • Sports - Football academy, physical education lessons and school sports days.
  • Renovation - Constructing and maintenance of unsafe school buildings as well as decorating and improvements.
  • Eco Projects - including reforestation, plastics upcycling and community cleanups.
  • Community - farm assistant and health insurance drives.
  • Conservation - Sea Turtle & Elephant conservation programs.

Where We Work?

Our main flagship program is based at the Abetifi district in the Eastern Region of Ghana. It holds the highest habitable town in Ghana upon a mountainous area so we have the benefit of a cooler overall temperature especially on the evenings and mornings. The volunteer house is in one of the towns close to Abetifi called Aduamoah. Abetifi is our closest larger town just a few minutes drive where there are banks, shops, market etc. The volunteer programs you will be visiting will be spread from the towns to just twenty minutes down the road on the road to Lake Volta (the largest man made lake in the world) where we work with remote villages to strengthen their facilities and improve their way of life. Life is fairly laid back in the area and time is soon spent chatting with people in passing and visiting friends. The Kwahu area has an extremely low crime rate and volunteers are given the chance and encouraged to explore the local towns alone or in groups with our team.

We also run our sea turtle conservation project at Cape Three Points between September - March each year during the nesting season. Cape Three Points is a complete contract to Abetifi where it's a tiny rural village but benefits from the most amazing beach and forest views. In 2024 we have also launched programs in Thailand and Cambodia with really exciting programs that are genuinely making a difference to conservation, education and community development efforts on the ground.

Our History

Our Mission

Who Are We Looking For?

We are looking for flexible, caring volunteers who have the drive to not only help but to familiarise themselves with the local culture and characters. The ability to work outside of your usual comfort zone will not make your trip easiest but help towards our social impact goals.

240 avis · rating4.8

Libby Down rating5

2018 at Ghana Volunteer Coordinator

From the start of my programme I was able to take a real ownership of my project which I've really enjoyed. The staff here are really friendly and helpful, always on hand if you need any help at all. We live in a comfortable house with maximum of 4 people in each room which has all modern amenities ...
Sarah Nienhaus rating5

2024 at Community Farm Assistant

Atlas made it possible to experience another culture in a unique way. I met amazing people, saw beautiful nature and helped change the world for the better. My top experiences were: - being taught dance moves by the locals - learning to surf - visiting Mole national park - seeing the children ...
Jowel Rainey rating4.6

2024 at Community Farm Assistant

A nice experience, met a lot of friendly and interesting people and hosts and it was interesting and fulfilling to get see and meet and work with the people from the local communities and with other ...
Mac rating4.8

2024 at Ethical Elephant Refuge

This was a very interesting and ultimately rewarding experience but not necessarily an easy one. The facility is quite large with 18 elephants and many many other animals under care. Volunteers split between Elephants and Other wild life. And permanent Thai staff. We worked with the Elephants. The ...
Margriet K rating5

2024 at Ethical Elephant Refuge

I had a great experience as a volunteer for 4 weeks in Thailand. The people are caring, friendly and pleasant. It was lots of variety throughout the days. ...
Maïté rating4.6

2024 at Ethical Elephant Refuge

Volunteers from all over the world. We spent 2 weeks there, very physical work taking care of feeding the animals, cleaning the enclosures... but very rewarding. A great ...


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  Taux de réponse excellent

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