à partir de 2 414€

Esceptionnel 4.9rating (17)

A Unique Horse and Community Experience

2 - 4 semaines  ·  Âge 18 - 50+

rating  Esceptionnel 4.9  · 
  Vérifié par Volunteer World


  • Adventure on Horseback: Immerse yourself in the beauty of Victoria Falls while refining your horsemanship skills and exploring breathtaking landscapes on horseback.
  • Community-Based Social Projects: Make a meaningful impact by participating in various community-based initiatives.
  • Authentic African Experience: Experience an authentic African adventure as you engage with the local community and culture, creating lasting connections and memories.
  • Therapeutic Equestrian Empowerment: Contribute to therapeutic equestrian programs for children with disabilities, providing them with unique opportunities for empowerment and growth.
  • Deep Understanding of Equine Behavior: Gain insight into the natural instincts and behavior of horses, fostering a deeper connection and mutual understanding between you and the horse.

Particulièrement approprié pour

Âge 18+
Seul voyageur

À propos du programme

Wild Bhiza offers more than just horseback riding; it provides a gateway to a unique experience by immersing participants in the local community

Wild Bhiza offers more than just horseback riding; it provides a gateway to a unique experience by immersing participants in the communal lands and African culture. While we encounter a minor challenge with communication barriers, particularly with some local villagers, such as children, we believe ...

À propos du programme

Wild Bhiza offers more than just horseback riding; it provides a gateway to a unique experience by immersing participants in the communal lands and African culture. While we encounter a minor challenge with communication barriers, particularly with some local villagers, such as children, we believe that community engagement can effectively address prevalent social issues in our region. By encouraging volunteers to engage with children or adults through reading and assisting at local schools, we can foster meaningful connections. Additionally, we prioritize promoting animal welfare by collaborating with the local animal welfare centre. We aim to make a significant impact on both local communities and our volunteers.

Volunteers are integral to our program, actively engaging in a variety of activities that directly benefit the horses at Wild Bhiza, as well as the local community and their animals. From assisting with essential horse care tasks such as filling hay nets, grooming, and exercise horses to participating in community outreach initiatives like litter sweeps and supporting educational programs such as reading sessions with children, our volunteers will make a significant impact through these initiatives. Additionally, volunteers contribute to animal welfare efforts by assisting with vaccinations, spaying, neutering, dipping and deworming for the animals in the communal lands.

Volunteers will find themselves fully immersed in the breathtaking landscapes surrounding Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Our base, Banko Farm, nestled in the rural village of Chisuma, offers a glimpse into the timeless traditions of its people. Accommodation is provided in a rustic, traditional homestead, fostering a sense of camaraderie among volunteers. The home boasts three bedrooms, each equipped with two single beds. Separate bathroom facilities, as well as kitchen and dining areas, adhere to the traditional African setup, preserving authenticity.

Surrounded by dry, rocky terrain, the homestead sits on a sizable piece of land. While there's a small cluster of shops nearby, offering basic commodities, anything more specialized can be purchased in the main town. The stables, arena, round pen, and spacious paddock are meticulously arranged, providing ample room. Our team maintains excellent organization, with tack neatly labelled per horse in the tack room and adjacent feed and hay storage areas. Additionally, there are a main kitchen and restroom facilities available at the stable yard, along with quarters for grooms.

Volunteers will collaborate closely with our dedicated team members, including Lisa and Eleni, the owners of the program, as well as our experienced head groom Viyani and assistant groom Bhebhe. Additionally, volunteers will have the opportunity to engage with members of the local community.

Journée typique

Embark on an enriching horse riding experience in Zimbabwe, where riders can immerse themselves in stunning landscapes while actively engaging in hands-on activities.

A day in the life of a horse riding volunteer in Zimbabwe is a journey filled with both reward and adventure, although experiences may ...

Journée typique

Embark on an enriching horse riding experience in Zimbabwe, where riders can immerse themselves in stunning landscapes while actively engaging in hands-on activities.

A day in the life of a horse riding volunteer in Zimbabwe is a journey filled with both reward and adventure, although experiences may vary based on the specific volunteer program and location. Banko Farm, situated in the untouched rural village of Chisuma, just 25 km east of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, offers a unique setting perched on the escarpment of the Mighty Zambezi River. Chisuma is a vibrant and diverse community, providing profound insights into the timeless ways of its people and the intricate setup of their homesteads.

Rustic, traditional homestead, becomes a hub of shared experiences as everyone pitches in for daily chores. The day kicks off with a visit to the stables, where horses are greeted, their well-being checked, and assistance provided with feeding and grooming, creating an opportunity for volunteers to bond with the animals and learn about horse care. Morning chores follow, involving tasks like mucking out stables, cleaning tack, and preparing the horses for the day activities, with volunteers possibly assisting in general maintenance around the stables or farm.

Afternoon activities offer a variety, with possibilities ranging from additional horse-related tasks, such as training sessions or veterinary care, to involvement in community outreach programs, educational initiatives, or conservation projects. The day concludes with a return to the stables for horse careófeeding, grooming, and ensuring their comfort for the night.

Evenings are a time for involvement with dinner, relaxation, sharing of dayís experiences, and bonding with fellow volunteers. Our accommodation comprises 3 twin rooms, with single beds sharing.

Meals, consisting of self-catered breakfasts and lunches with provided groceries like meat, dairy products, vegetables, fruit, and dry goods, are followed by a home-cooked dinner shared among new friends in the comfort of their own homes. Special ingredients and treats can be acquired during the weekly town trip.

- 6 AM: Assist the head groom in filling hay nets, refilling water dishes, prepping AM horse feed, feeding horses and goats, grooming horses, and tacking up for the morning outride.
- 7 AM: Go for a morning outride, which can last between one to two hours.
- 9 AM: Return from the ride, untack horses, hose them down, put on fly sheets and fly masks, and walk horses to the paddock. Take hay bales out of the field depending on the season.
- 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM: Tea/coffee and breakfast break.
- 11:00 AM: Clean out stables, repack hay nets, and ensure all tack is neatly stored away.
- 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Lunchtime.
- 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Engage in activities such as natural horsemanship, polocrosse, animal welfare projects, or community projects. Note that the morning horse ride may sometimes be interchanged with these projects based on the weekly schedule.
- 4:30 PM: Prepare evening horse feed and set beds in the stables, fill water buckets, and attach hay nets. Walk to the paddock to collect horses for the night, remove fly sheets and fly masks, and hang them up. Feed each horse and the goats.
- 5:30 PM: End of the day's activities. Dinner will be prepared while you relax and reflect around the fire.

Activités de loisirs

Adventure in Victoria Falls
Staying in Victoria Falls offers a myriad of captivating experiences, making it a destination of choice for travellers seeking a blend of natural wonders, cultural richness, and adventure. Here are compelling reasons to stay in Victoria Falls:

The Majestic Victoria Falls ...

Activités de loisirs

Adventure in Victoria Falls
Staying in Victoria Falls offers a myriad of captivating experiences, making it a destination of choice for travellers seeking a blend of natural wonders, cultural richness, and adventure. Here are compelling reasons to stay in Victoria Falls:

The Majestic Victoria Falls Witnessing the breathtaking Victoria Falls, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, is an experience that stays with you forever. The sheer power and beauty of the falls, often referred to as the “Smoke that Thunders,” create an awe-inspiring spectacle.

Adventure and Thrills Victoria Falls is renowned for its array of adrenaline-pumping activities. From heart-pounding bungee jumping off the Victoria Falls Bridge to exhilarating white-water rafting in the Zambezi River, the town is a playground for adventure enthusiasts.

Wildlife Encounters The region around Victoria Falls is rich in wildlife. Embark on a safari in the nearby national parks, such as Zambezi National Park, for a chance to see elephants, lions, hippos, and a variety of bird species in their natural habitat.

Go On Safari
Embark on a thrilling safari drive through Zambezi National Park, a wildlife haven located upstream from Victoria Falls. This weekly adventure promises an up-close encounter with a diverse array of animals, including majestic elephants, powerful buffaloes, graceful antelope species, and the aquatic wonders of hippos and crocodiles. Traverse the park’s scenic landscapes, guided by experienced rangers who share their knowledge of the region’s flora and fauna. The Zambezi National Park safari drive offers an immersive and unforgettable experience, providing opportunities to witness the untamed beauty of African wildlife in its natural habitat.

We can help plan tours and excursions?

Zambezi River Cruises
Enjoy a leisurely sunset or dinner cruise along the Zambezi River, often accompanied by stunning sunsets.

Take the leap off the Victoria Falls Bridge for an adrenaline rush. Soar over the Batoka Gorge for a unique perspective

Helicopter and Microlight Flights
Soar above Victoria Falls for a breathtaking aerial view of the falls and the surrounding landscape

Local Cultural Shows
Immerse yourself in the local culture and attend performances showcasing traditional music and dance.

White Water Rafting
Rafters not only experience the excitement of navigating rapids but also enjoy the breathtaking scenery of the Batoka Gorge.

Walking Wildlife Safaris
Explore Zambezi National Park for wildlife walking safaris, driving safaris, photography safaris, and boat safaris.

Drive & Boat Safaris
Take part in game drives and boat safaris along the River to observe elephants, hippos, crocodiles, and diverse birdlife.

Zambezi Devils Pool
A natural pool formed on the edge of Victoria Falls, specifically on the Zambian side of the Zambezi River.



Âge minimum: 18 ans

Pour participer à ce programme tu dois avoir au moins 18 ans quand le programme commence. Il peut y avoir des exceptions si tu peux montrer la permission de ton tuteur légal ou si tu es accompagné(e) par l'un de tes parents.

Compétences linguistiques

Tu dois parler Anglais (niveau de base)

Vérification des Antécédents Criminels


Restrictions de Nationalité

Aucune restriction. De l'aide venant de tous les coins du monde est bienvenu.

Autres Compétences

Prior experience with horse riding is advantageous.

Engagement horaire

Nous avons besoin de ton aide pour lundi, mardi, mercredi et jeudi de 05:30 - 17:30

Services inclus

Services inclus

Services de Wild Bhiza Stables

We accept euros, GBP pounds, and USD, with payment based on the exchange rate at the time of booking. Please note that this information is a guide and is subject to change.

  • Accommodation at the Homestead, Monday to Friday (mid-morning)
  • Transfers from and to Victoria Falls Airport
  • 3 Meals to be provided during your Homestead Stay 
  • Towels & Bedding
  • Out House, Shower & Toilet
  • Single Bed Sharing Rooms (2) with Mosquito Net
  • Outside Laundry Basin
  • Transfer to and from town on Victoria Falls Weekend
  • Accommodation at Backpackers Lodge Friday-Monday (excludes meals)
  • Park Fees for Safari Drive
  • Camping Fees
  • Entrance to Victoria Falls
  • Snacks & Fizzy Drinks
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Additional Transfers to Town
  • Washing of Clothes
  • Meals at Victoria Falls Weekend, Friday lunchtime – Sunday evening
  • VISA Entrance Zimbabwe
  • Flights to Zimbabwe
  • Activities

Transfert de l'aéroport Victoria Falls Airport

We can commence our journey at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (VFA).

For added convenience, we can organize transfers for you at an extra charge from Livingstone Airport (Zambia) or Kasane Airport (Botswana). From there, it's about an hour-long road transfer into Victoria Falls town (both routes entail a border crossing).


Banko Farm awaits you, nestled in the untouched rural village of Chisuma, a hidden gem just 25 km east of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Perched on the escarpment of the Mighty Zambezi River, Chisuma is a vibrant diverse community, offering profound insights into the timeless ways of its people and the intricate setup of their homesteads.

At Banko Farm, you’ll find a traditional rustic homestead where everyone pitches in for daily chores, fostering a shared experience. Equipped with an outhouse shower and toilet, a traditional kitchen, a roundarval dining area, and a fire pit, you’ll have the perfect place to relax.

The homestead comprises three bedrooms with mosquito nets and a floor fan. Expect limited electricity, with solar lamps often being used. The veranda features a small outdoor sofa.

Aliments & Boissons

Your breakfasts and lunches will be on a self-catering basis, with all necessary groceries provided, including meat, dairy products, vegetables, fruit, and other dry goods for you to choose your meal preferences. Every evening, a home-cooked dinner will be prepared for you to enjoy in the comfort of the boma with your new friends. Special ingredients and treats can be purchased once a week on your town trip.

Thursday nights bring a Braai (Barbeque) night where you’ll have the option to try local cuisine. On Friday mornings, you’ll head out to Victoria Falls National Park for a game drive (excludes park fees), followed by a simple breakfast by the Zambezi River. Before lunch, you’ll head back into town and be dropped at one of the backpacker lodges, promising an unforgettable journey filled with natural wonders, thrilling adventures, local culture, and the genuine warmth of the community.

Every Monday morning, you’ll be collected at around 6:30 am and head back to the homestead for daily rides, adventure, and work.

The water is fresh and safe to drink. Coffee, tea, and juice are provided, but any other soft or alcoholic beverages can be purchased on town trips.

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

Accès à Internet

Désolé, aucun accès sur le site du projet

Billets d'avion

L'aéroport le plus proche est Victoria Falls Airport (VFA) à Victoria Falls. Nous t'aidons à trouver des vols pas chers pour aller en Zimbabwe. TROUVER DES VOLS PAS CHERS

Assurance Voyage

Partir à l'étranger est une aventure et c'est toujours mieux d'être bien préparé. Que ce soit une maladie soudaine, une blessure ou du vol - une assurance voyage pour Zimbabwe te protège en cas de situation imprévue. OBTENIR UN DEVIS


Si tu envisages de faire du bénévolat en Zimbabwe, nous te conseillons de consulter un médecin avant le début de ton voyage. Renseigne-toi sur les vaccins nécessaires pour Zimbabwe. INFOS VACCINS

Informations sur l'arrivée

Your journey with Wild Bhiza Stables begins as soon as you land at Victoria Falls Airport. A dedicated representative from Wild Bhiza Stables will be there to warmly welcome you upon arrival. Ideally, the start dates are on a Monday.
janv. févr. mars avril mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc.

Frais de Programme

2 semaines (durée min.) 2 414€
3 semaines 3 080€
4 semaines (durée max.) 3 744€
Prix moyen 1 071€/semaine

Frais de Programme

1 071€ par semaine 2 - 4 semaines Âge 18 - 50+

Méthodes de payement

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 4 semaines


L'acompte sert à réserver ta place avec l'organisation. Les paiements sont effectués par Paypal, notre partenaire de confiance pour les solutions de paiements internationales. Si tu n'as pas Paypal, tu peux également utiliser ta carte de crédit.

Paiement final

Le paiement du montant restant doit être organisé avec Wild Bhiza Stables durant le processus de candidature. Très souvent ce paiement est effectué par virement bancaire ou en espèces.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Wild Bhiza Stables

Esceptionnel 4.9 rating (17 avis)

Non lucratif - fondée en 2022

Vérifié par Volunteer World

Hébergé par


Sur le projet

Wild Bhiza is a Zimbabwe-based organisation that combines horse riding with social projects, aiming to promote community engagement, empowerment, and animal welfare.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Who We Are? Wild Bhiza's Horseback Programme blends adventure with community impact in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Established in 2021 by Lisa in collaboration with other organizations, our team includes passionate locals and international volunteers committed to promoting sustainable development through engaging social projects. Motivated by a shared passion for community development, we have created our own volunteer-driven project to provide enriching experiences aligned with our core values and beliefs.

What We Do? We offer a unique volunteering experience centered around horseback riding and community-driven initiatives. Volunteers not only improve their equestrian skills but also actively participate in projects that benefit local communities and wildlife.

Where We Work? Located in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, our program operates in a safe and welcoming environment. Volunteers should be prepared for the African climate and basic health precautions. Our region is known for its natural beauty and rich cultural heritage.

Our Mission/Vision Our mission is to empower local communities through sustainable development initiatives and enrich the lives of volunteers through immersive cultural experiences and meaningful contributions.

Our Goals We aim to foster long-term positive change by promoting environmental conservation, supporting community education, and enhancing animal welfare through collaborative efforts with volunteers and local stakeholders.

Who Are We Looking For? We seek volunteers who are passionate about horses, community development, and making a difference. No specific skills are required, only a willingness to learn and contribute positively to our projects.

Why Choose Us? Choosing Wild Bhiza means choosing an authentic African adventure with a purpose. Our program offers a rare opportunity to explore Victoria Falls on horseback while directly impacting local communities and ecosystems. Join us to experience the thrill of adventure and the satisfaction of meaningful social contribution.

17 avis · rating4.9

Kirstie Dixon rating5

2024 at A Unique Horse and Community Experience

Fantastic experience, can not wait to go again. So easy to book extras. Amazing experience discovering the culture and incredible views. A true insight into the African way of life. ..
The most amazing 3 weeks spent out in beautiful Vic falls! The horses are treated exceptionally well and Lisa is very welcoming. Overall a great three weeks spent exploring Vic falls, riding out in the amazing scenery and seeing some incredible wildlife. Would recommend to anyone who loves ...
Holly Scott-Riddell rating5

2024 at A Unique Horse and Community Experience

Wild Bhiza Stables is a great place for anyone who loves horses and wants to work with them. The staff are super friendly, helpful, and truly care for the horses. The horses themselves are in excellent condition and are gentle and easy to ride. The team uses natural horsemanship so no bridles are ...
My time with Wild Bhiza exceeded any expectations I had going in! From the activities I was involved in - the rides, animal interactions, community and conservation initiatives - to the everyday stuff like seeing the sights of Victoria Falls, the team made sure I was well taken care of and the ...
Ryan Van der Linde rating5

2024 at A Unique Horse and Community Experience

Absolutely incredible experience . I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it . I feel like my respect for horses and the wild parts of my home country has risen considerably since my experience with wild Bhiza stables . I learned alot about horsemanship and about the life and struggles of the local ...
Laurence Pfau rating4.8

2024 at A Unique Horse and Community Experience

I had a fantastic time away from my daily life by volunteering at wild Bhizas Stables. I loved our morning rides throught the bush and the local communities. It gave me a great insight into the life of the locals in the rural areas of vic falls. ..


Afrique > Afrique orientale > Zimbabwe > Victoria Falls

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