Punta Tortuga Wildlife Conserv

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Erfahrung als Projekt

Our project is located between coastal tropical rainforest and a Marine Reserve. Our work is focused on marine turtle protection and rainforest conservation.
Punta Tortuga Wildlife Conservation was born in 2019 out of a profound respect for Nature and a deep commitment to protecting the unique ecosystems of Ecuador's Chocó coast. Established several years ago in the Marine Reserve of Galera San Francisco, the organization initially started as ...


Punta Tortuga Wildlife Conservation was born in 2019 out of a profound respect for Nature and a deep commitment to protecting the unique ecosystems of Ecuador's Chocó coast. Established several years ago in the Marine Reserve of Galera San Francisco, the organization initially started as a small, grassroots effort aimed at protecting endangered sea turtles, whose nesting sites were increasingly threatened by human activity and environmental degradation. Over time, as our understanding of the interconnectedness of these ecosystems grew, so did our scope of work.

Our journey began with a focus on monitoring sea turtle nests and reducing the threats posed by poaching and predation. With the invaluable support of international volunteers, we expanded our efforts to include broader conservation initiatives, such as reforestation, community education, and habitat restoration. The recognition of the Chocó region as one of the most biodiverse areas on the planet solidified our resolve to protect not just the marine life, but also the rich tropical rainforests and the species that depend on them.

Our mission at Punta Tortuga Conservation is to protect and restore the unique ecosystems of Ecuador's Chocó region, with a focus on endangered marine species and tropical rainforests. We strive to foster a sustainable relationship between local communities and their environment, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy and benefit from the rich biodiversity that defines this area. Through conservation, education, and community engagement, we aim to create lasting impacts that contribute to the global effort to preserve our planet's natural heritage.

Our vision is a world where ecosystems thrive, biodiversity flourishes, and communities live in harmony with nature. We envision a future where the Chocó region's rainforests and marine habitats are fully restored and protected, serving as a global model for successful conservation. We aspire to empower local communities to be the stewards of their environment, leading the way in sustainable living and conservation efforts. Through our work, we seek to inspire global action to protect our planet's most vulnerable ecosystems and ensure a sustainable future for all species.

1. Respect for Nature: We believe in the intrinsic value of all living beings and the ecosystems they inhabit. Our work is guided by a deep respect for the natural world and a commitment to protecting it.
2. Community Empowerment: We recognize that conservation is most effective when local communities are involved. We strive to empower residents by providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to protect their environment.
3. Sustainability: Our actions today are driven by the need to ensure a sustainable future. We are committed to practices that promote environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
4. Collaboration: We value collaboration with local and international partners, volunteers, and stakeholders. Together, we can achieve more significant results and create a more substantial impact.
5. Education and Awareness: We believe that education is key to long-term conservation success. We are dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of preserving our natural resources and fostering a culture of conservation.

1. Sea Turtle Conservation: To continue and expand our efforts in protecting sea turtle nesting sites within the Marine Reserve of Galera San Francisco. This includes increasing the number of protected nests, reducing predation by dogs and other animals, and enhancing the overall hatching success rate. We aim to safeguard the future of these endangered species by creating a safe and thriving environment for their reproduction.

2. Habitat Restoration and Reforestation: To restore and regenerate the tropical rainforests of the Chocó region by planting native and fruit-bearing trees. This effort not only helps combat deforestation but also provides food and shelter for wildlife such as ocelots, sloths, anteaters, and howler monkeys. Our goal is to create a network of wildlife corridors that connect fragmented habitats, allowing species to thrive.

3. Plastic Pollution Reduction: To continue our beach cleanup efforts and reduce the impact of plastic pollution on marine life. Over the next five years, we aim to double the amount of plastic waste collected from our beaches and increase community participation in these efforts.

4. Community Engagement and Education: To deepen our engagement with local communities through educational programs that promote sustainable practices and environmental stewardship. We aim to reach more schools and community groups, providing them with the knowledge and resources needed to protect their environment. We also plan to expand our volunteer programs, offering more opportunities for people from around the world to participate in our conservation efforts.

5. Research and Monitoring: To enhance our research capabilities by implementing advanced monitoring technologies and methodologies. This will allow us to gather more accurate data on the health of the ecosystems we protect and make more informed decisions about our conservation strategies. We also aim to publish our findings to contribute to the global body of knowledge on conservation practices.

6. Building Partnerships: To establish and strengthen partnerships with local and international organizations, universities, and governmental bodies. Collaboration is key to achieving our mission, and we seek to build a robust network of allies who share our commitment to conservation.

7. Developing Sustainable Livelihoods: To promote and support sustainable livelihoods for local communities, reducing their dependence on activities that harm the environment. This includes the development of eco-tourism initiatives, sustainable agriculture, and the marketing of local products that are environmentally friendly.

Since our inception, Punta Tortuga Conservation has made significant strides in the protection of both marine and terrestrial ecosystems. We have removed over 3,154 kg of plastic waste from key turtle nesting beaches, dramatically improving the conditions for successful hatchings. Thanks to our volunteers, we have also been able to monitor the most important nesting beach in the Marine Reserve consistently, significantly reducing nest predation by dogs and other predators. Our reforestation efforts have resulted in the planting of thousands of trees, contributing to the restoration of critical habitats in the Chocó rainforest.

Through our educational programs, we have engaged hundreds of community members, instilling a sense of environmental responsibility and stewardship. Our partnerships with local and international organizations have also enabled us to expand our reach and impact, bringing together a global community of conservationists dedicated to preserving Ecuador's natural heritage.

At Punta Tortuga Wildlife Conservation, we believe that the future of our planet depends on the actions we take today. By protecting the unique ecosystems of Ecuador's Chocó region, we are not only safeguarding biodiversity but also ensuring a sustainable future for the communities that depend on these natural resources. We invite you to join us in this vital mission, whether as a volunteer, partner, or supporter. Together, we can make a lasting difference for the environment and for future generations.


Andrea Sosa

Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch, Spanisch
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Punta Tortuga Wildlife Conserv Bewertungen

Vanessa Schleumer rating5,0

2024 at Sea Turtle & Rainforest Conservation

Just wow! I had the most amazing time and learned so much about the ecosistema and the life of the turtles. This project is so important and has a masive impact on the wildlife in the area. ..
Irina Pivneva rating5,0

2024 at Sea Turtle & Rainforest Conservation

This is an absolutely wonderful experience. You get to live at the reserve and make meaningful contributions to help clean up the beach and surrounding areas, relocate turtle nests to increase their survival, plant trees and coffee plants, visit local school, harvest fruit in the jungle, and ...
Helga Theresia Willmes rating5,0

2024 at Sea Turtle & Rainforest Conservation

I spend 4 weeks there and it was great. The days usually began with a first walk at the beach, searching for tracks, new nests and picking up garbage. Every flood bring in new garbage, so its kind of sysphean task, but it is satisfying to know that this garbage is no longer floating around. During ...
If you want an experience that really gets away from the modern world this is it. You are surrounded by a jungle on three side with access to a beach that is practically private. You are surround by the sounds of nature. The only human or technology sounds you hear are those made by you, the one ...
Amelie Syre rating5,0

2023 at Sea Turtle & Rainforest Conservation

Was a really nice experience! I got to meet some very nice people. There is a big variety of work options and a lot to do. I got to eat some amazing local food. ..
Selfishly, I would like to keep my experience with Cusumbi a secret so that I can preserve this little piece of paradise on Galerita beach forever. But I won't. Why not? Because Andrea and Diego deserve to receive the support they need to develop their beautiful project. 
I had the chance to ...

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Punta Tortuga Wildlife Conserv Projektschwerpunkt

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Life On Land